The Awesome Awards - Nominations

Amanda Richards

Nominated by tracy lamourie
October 05, 2020
Amanda Richards has always had the desire to help others. Her path to self-employment seemed like a natural evolution – she faced some struggles, but she took each of them on with ferocity and strength. On top of working full-time as an employee for 15 years, Amanda has raised two children as a single mother, while at the same time gaining academic experience and growing multiple business’. Amanda has ventured in many avenues of business, from managing multiple high-end retail locations to working at law firms on Bay Street. She also has a passion for hair and makeup as she went to the Professional School of Makeup. She worked for an agency that provides hair and makeup for television, magazines, etc., while more specifically she worked with the Miss Universe pageant and Sports Centre. After going though these ventures, Amanda decided to go back to the law, by going back to school and getting licensed as a paralegal, while at the same time starting her business, Magna Carta Legal Services. Bringing Amanda’s passions together of fashion and the law, she takes an interest in professional attire and workplace outfits and how COVID-19 has made a new normal in this aspect. Amanda taught at Humber College for the Paralegal Program. She enjoys teaching and molding young minds. Amanda’s best advice is to never give up and never take no as an answer. Find what you are passionate about and run with it.