The Awesome Awards - Share Your Experience
Presented To:
Tony and Darlene Lourenco
Presented By: Tina Chin
Elm Award
June 02, 2013
Vancouver, Cananda
Tony and Darlene Lourenco's daughter Lindsey battled CANCER for years, she had CONQUERED it many times but in the end IT took her away from us!. My son Aidan is in maintenance for Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia, when he was first diagnosed it was Lindsey's story that had given me strength and hope. Her parent's are a big part of the BCCH family and I am in AWE of who they are and what they give, they are the most wonderful, AWESOME people. Presenting the award to them was very special to me. I am happy that I wrote down what I was going to say to them because I was so emotional, that I would have just cried and they wouldn't have know what I was trying to say to them.