The Awesome Awards - Nominations

Brent C Sergent II

Nominated by Lori Sergent
November 05, 2014
My husband, Brent, deserves to be nominated as someone awesome and not just because he is my husband! Brent went from being a strong athlete in high school to wheelchair bound after college due to his multiple sclerosis. Over the years he has had his ups and downs but mostly downs. He had been in the hospital twice for surgery of his decubitus ulcers. He was also told, that from taking Chemo (a form of treatment for MS), he would never be able to father children. His favorite quote is, “if there wasn't such a thing as bad luck, then I wouldn't have any luck”.

Brent has influenced many people with multiple sclerosis to never give up on living their lives to the fullest and to never give up on hope. He has done so by creating a video to spread the word and you can view his video here... Over the years, Brent has been an avid supporter of the MS society. He has joined the MS walks, was nominated in 2008 for the Business Leadership award, volunteered his time to speak at MS events to get the word out that life is not over after being diagnosed with MS, plus he founded and coordinated Rock Out MS two years in a row. During those times, Brent raised approximately $17,000 for the MS Society!

Brent influences many of his family members and friends that even through tough times you should keep pushing forward. Many look up to him for his strength and perseverance. When Brent was diagnosed with MS in 2001 he didn't give up on his dream to go to college and to become an Engineer. Yes, the first year of college was tough on him, as his health had started to decline. However, he still didn't give up. He continued on and every year at college something else was slowly taken from him. He started out in college being able to walk, but he ended his college years in a wheelchair. Brent did graduate from college with a major Bachelors in Environmental Engineer and a minor in Business. He has also obtained his Engineer-In-Training license and now continues to push forward in hopes to pass his Professional Engineering Exam.

Lately Brent's health has worsened. His last MRI has shown new activity (new lesions) however, Brent doesn't let it come between his passions. Those include his family, friends, Engineering career, and also helping to find a cause for MS. Although he was recently laid off from his job, he decided he was going to use the extra time to create a survey about MS. He feels that a survey could help to pinpoint the triggers or cause of MS. He is now seeking people who have the disease or parent's of children with MS to complete his survey. If you know someone, please ask them to take the survey at

Thank you Brent for showing me to never give up on my dreams and for being a great role model for our children! You are a wonderful father and a phenomenal husband! You are greatly loved by many!